Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Check Out Learning Resources Prepared Slides Combination Set (Pack of 12 Slides) for $16.50

Learning Resources Prepared Slides Combination Set (Pack of 12 Slides) Overview

Grades K - 6. Set contains 12 slides with a total of 48 specimens including pollens/spores, textiles, insects, tiny creatures, animals, and plants.

Learning Resources Prepared Slides Combination Set (Pack of 12 Slides) Review

Learning Resources Prepared Slides Combination Set (Pack of 12 Slides) Feature

  • Four well-labeled specimens per slide for a total of 48 preserved specimens
  • It contains 12 standard-size slides
  • Comes with animal, plant, insect, textile, pollen and spore specimens
  • Grades 3 and up.
  • Also includes our homonymic favorite, hare hair

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Customer Reviews

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 31, 2012 02:15:05

See Also : Finishing Products light microscope image

Monday, October 29, 2012

AmScope 40x-2000x Doctor Medical Laboratory Vet Biological Binocular Compound Microscope

AmScope 40x-2000x Doctor Medical Laboratory Vet Biological Binocular Compound Microscope Review

AmScope 40x-2000x Doctor Medical Laboratory Vet Biological Binocular Compound Microscope Feature

  • Professional Eight Magnification Settings from 40X to 2000X
  • High Quality Optical Lenses and Abbe Condenser with Iris Diaphragm
  • Sturdy Metal Framework, Double Layer Mechanical Stage and Tension Adjustable Coaxial Coarse & Fine Focus
  • Variable Intensity Halogen Illumination
  • 5-Year Warranty against Manuafcturing Defects

AmScope 40x-2000x Doctor Medical Laboratory Vet Biological Binocular Compound Microscope Overview

This professional binocular microscope is designed for teaching demonstration, clinical examination and research purpose. It comes with a 30° inclined 360° swiveling compensation free binocular head, 3D mechanical stage and an intensity-variable halogen illumination system. This microscope offers eight levels of magnification, 40X, 80X, 100X, 200X, 400X, 800X, 1000X & 2000X. This microscope is versatile, ready for various accessories and attachments for extra features. It is made by the same technicians and on the same production line that makes optical instruments for Leica, Zeiss, Nikon and Olympus. It is brand new in factory sealed box. Its retail value is ,500.
*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 30, 2012 01:15:03

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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Celiac Disease Biopsy Explained: Part I Villous Atrophy

The prognosis of celiac disease is confirmed by a characteristic abnormal appearance of the small intestine under the microscope. Flattening of the normal finger like projections called villi accompanied by signs of inflammation is taken to indicate damage or injury from the warehouse protein gluten in wheat and similar proteins in barley and rye. The small intestine biopsy has became the gold proper for establishing the prognosis of Celiac disease or gluten sensitive enteropathy. Before 1960 gluten seclusion followed by correction and subsequent worsening upon rechallenge was the diagnostic criteria.

Early in the 1960's straight through the 1970's the small intestine was biopsied by having habitancy swallow a small metal capsule that was attached to a suction tube. This was used to suction up tissue into the capsule before guillotining off some tissue once the capsule was confirmed to be in the small intestine by x-ray. Now the tissue is obtained by upper endoscopy, the passage of a lighted video scope straight through the mouth under sedation to the small intestine, where biopsies are obtained with cupped forceps.


Celiac disease biopsy: What does the pathologist look for under the microscope?

The small intestine normally has finger like projections called villi that give it a large outside area or caress area for absorption. The villi effect in a shag carpeting or terry cloth towel type appearance. Lining the outside outside of each villous are intestinal cells or enterocytes that secrete mucus and suck up fluids, nutrients, minerals like iron, and vitamins like B12. On the outside of the enterocytes are digestive enzymes like lactase that suck up lactose or milk sugar. At the base of the villi are crypts or circular like collections of intestinal cells.

Celiac disease biopsy: What is villous atrophy?

Normally, villi are 3-5 times longer than the crypts are tall. However, intestinal injury can effect in blunting, shortening (partial villous atrophy) or complete loss of the villi and flattening (villous atrophy) of the intestinal surface. The shag carpeting will have bare spots or the terry cloth towel becomes like a tee shirt. The effect is lack of absorption of nutrients and water resulting in weight loss, malnutrition, and diarrhea.

Celiac disease biopsy: What if the biopsy does not show atrophy or partial atrophy?

If the villi are at least 3 times as long as the crypts are tall then no flattening or blunting of the villi is present and celiac disease becomes more difficult for the pathologist to diagnose without the history or blood test results. However, an increased whole of Iel's (intra-epitheliel lymphocytes) in the setting of a unavoidable specific blood test for celiac, symptoms and especially if supported by presence of Dq2 and/or Dq8 gene pattern, is extremely suggestive of celiac disease. The difficulty comes when the blood tests for the specific tests are negative or not elevated but only the "non-specific" blood tests (anti-gliadin or Aga and anti-reticulin antibodies) are elevated. Also, some habitancy with milder forms of celiac have no blood tests abnormal but have excellent biopsy findings of celiac and are termed seronegative (blood test negative) celiacs.

Celiac disease biopsy: Can the biopsy be normal in celiac disease?

By definition, the biopsy has been thought about the gold proper for diagnosing celiac. However, recent studies have shown that the biopsy can be normal in some habitancy with celiac. How can this be? The pathologist reading the biopsy may interpret the biopsy as normal based on his or her bias about celiac disease, a failure to appreciate the point of the presence of Iel's, or misuse of the older proper of >40 Iel's per 100. However, more importantly is the recent recognition that normal appearing biopsies may not be normal. Electron microscopy has revealed ultra-structural abnormalities in apparent normal biopsies of habitancy confirmed to have celiac disease. Extra stains, that comprise immune labeling of lymphocytes, have also confirmed increased numbers of unavoidable types of specific lymphocytes in the villi of intestinal biopsies of habitancy confirmed to have celiac. The bottom line is that a normal biopsy does not definitively exclude celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.

Celiac diasease biopsy: What are other inherent causes of biopsy changes that mimic celiac disease?

Cow's milk protein sensitive enteropathy (Cmse), viral or bacterial infections, medications (especially aspirin like arthritis medications e.g. Ibuprofen etc), autoimmune enteropathy, Helicobacter pylori infection (the stomach ulcer bacteria), Aids, coarse variable immunodeficiency, and lymphoma of the intestine are all inherent causes of small intestine changes that may mimic celiac. However, if you have excellent celiac type symptoms, a unavoidable celiac specific antibody (anti-endomysial antibody or tissue transglutaminase antibody) and a unavoidable response to a gluten free diet then celiac is the likely cause. The likelihood is supplementary increased if you carry one or both of the two major genes associated with celiac disease, Dq2 and/or Dq8. Normalization of celiac specific blood tests and the biopsy after a gluten free diet confirms the prognosis of celiac disease.

Celiac Disease Biopsy Explained: Part I Villous Atrophy

My Links : Best Fasteners Picking Safety Products light microscope magnification

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Welding Microscopes

Micro welding or micro-dimensional welding is a widely used and appropriate process in today's industry. The process is carried out under a welding microscope which helps to weld small areas with maximum accuracy.

Welding microscopes are specially designed to offer great operate of part positioning and welding placement. They are in case,granted with fine internal crosshairs, which helps to align the hardware element and the filler at the exact position. The weld speed of limited welding can range in the middle of 10 and 30 inches/minute. In laser micro welding, the microscopes help to focus the laser beam at a exact point.


There are many advantages of using microscopes in welding. limited welding often results in a low-distortion and exact joining process. It can also minimize contamination of the web joint. The limited images of welding can be captured by connecting the welding microscope to a video or photo camera using a photo-adapter. The microscope can also be plugged into a computer to description and process the images.

Almost all the laser welding systems come with in-built microscopes. Usually, a high potential stereo microscope - with a magnification factor ranging in the middle of x16 and x25 - is used. It offers clear viewing for exact welding. An elective angle microscope can also be used.

Many models of micro welders are also available, which use low-amp welders and welding microscopes. The welders can be placed on the desired location of the weld, without affecting the shape or size of the material. Micro welders are in general used for precision welding of jewelry. Some micro welders can be used to fix molds such as plastic injection molds, die cast molds, and rubber processing molds.

Welding Microscopes

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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Dissecting Microscopes

Most of us remember using microscopes when we were in biology class, watching miniature organisms thoughprovoking around, bumping into each other. Although we thrilled to watch the action under the lens, we positively didn't pay much attentiveness to the microscope itself. If you were to purchase a microscope today you might be surprised to learn that there are any dissimilar types of microscopes available depending on your use.

The most base microscope is the blend microscope which is meant for measuring at higher magnifications from 40X up to 100X. The other type of commonly used microscope is called a stereo or dissecting microscope. It uses two eyepieces and two paired objectives. It may use a built in light source from above, below, or none at all. Magnification is ordinarily from 10X to 40X.


Stereoscopic dissecting microscopes have detach optic pathways for each eyepiece. When viewing your sample you get a three -dimensional view of your specimens at relatively low magnifications. These microscopes also have a large field and a longer working length than what you find on blend microscopes. Whereas blend microscopes are used for finding at slides, dissecting microscopes are meant for viewing larger samples.

There are two basic types of dissecting microscopes. One style allows you to read at two fixed magnification settings, such as 10X and 20X or 10X and 40X. The other style has the capability to magnify at many settings, or "zoom" rather than to be set at two stationary magnification points. By turning a dial you can positively look at every magnification between two end points, ordinarily 7X and 45X. This greatly increases your capability to view samples.

Dissecting microscopes can be purchased with out without built-in lighting. Built-in lighting involves an upper illuminator for reflected light (episcopic) and a lower illuminator for transmitted (diascopic) light. The most base lighting is by halogen lamps, but you will find a lower fluorescent lamp in some models. Fluorescent illumination is used for examining heat-sensitive specimens such as in embryo transplant work. Accessory light can also be added to dissecting microscopes in the form of a ring light, coaxial illuminator or fiber optic light pipes. Discrete color filters can be added for definite applications.

You can also vary the stand that your dissecting microscope body sits in, thus changing the working distance. A typical dissecting microscope has a fixed stand with a rack & pinion for thoughprovoking the body up and down. This gives you a smaller working length in which to work. You can also purchase your dissecting scope on a boom stand, which greatly increases the space under the scope. This also allows you to have the microscope stand out of the way when you are working with larger items which may ordinarily interfere with the position of the stand.

Although dissecting microscopes always have at a minimum two eyepieces, you can add a third "eyepiece" or port for a camera system. There is a wide array of camera systems available, running from digital to video. Most cameras can be attached to this trinocular port with an adapter, and then related straight through a Usb port to the software in your computer.

Whether you are a biologist performing dissections, a technician building or repairing circuit boards, a paleontologist cleaning and examining fossils or a hobbyist who needs to work with your hands on small objects such as rocks & bugs, you will find a dissecting microscope to be a very useful tool.

Dissecting Microscopes

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Kid's Microscopes

Choosing a Kid's Microscope

Children's microscopes are a great way to encourage a child's budding interest in science. These qualified educational tools let children see the world as they've never seen it before. A microscope for kids provides a fun way to take the science out of a textbook and into the real world. Most child-friendly scopes are an easy-to-use tool and comprise extra equipment for extended fun. This report discusses many features of children's scopes and what children can do with them.

Led Microscope Light

What Children Can Do Many come with prepared slides to give children their first taste of the microscope's abilities. Kits ordinarily come with additional slides so that children, with an adult's help, can gather other things to investigate. Small natural objects make great specimens, along with blades of grass, leaves and flower petals. The refrigerator will probably have some good options as well, such as vegetable and fruit skins. Children will pleasure in examining the seemingly imperceptible tiny lifeforms in collected pond water. Microscopes are great teaching tools and often help supplement a child's current science studies in school. Having a scope is a great way to teach children directly and provide a way for children to learn independently.

Important Features exact to Children's Microscopes There are many important things to look for in a children's scope. First, it must be easy for children to use. If the device requires frequent aid from an adult, a child will be less likely to use it consistently without an adult present. Children can be rough with their belongings, so it's best to pick a durable model made with potential metal parts. Plastic models that feel more like toys than the real thing and may not last straight through the years.

The Types of Microscopes There are many types, but the two most coarse types are mixture and stereo scopes. Stereo scopes are best for looking at the details of larger things, such as stamps or buttons. These have a light on both the lowest and the top of the viewing area so that users can look at objects that are not transparent. These don't require the use of slides. mixture scopes have a particular light on the lowest of the viewing area for illuminating transparent objects. This lets the user see things that are imperceptible to the naked eye. Some manufacturers yield microscopes that are both mixture and stereo.

Years ago, most scopes illuminated the viewing area by reflecting light onto a mirror. Today, many have a built-in light, ordinarily an Led. Mirrors are tricky to align for optimum viewing, so it's great to pick a microscope with a built-in light source for easier use. Leds are excellent to other types of lights because they don't kill or destroy specimens with intense heat. Some devices are cordless and rely on disposable or assessable batteries to operate. Most models have a range of magnifications, from 100x-900x, though some models go as low as 40x and others as high as 900x.

Additional equipment When you're selecting a microscope kit, collate what each kit includes. Some come with study aids and useful information beyond a basic education manual. Many kits come with extra items such as blank slides and vials. Other sets come with advanced tools like scalpels, Petri dishes, forceps, slide labels and more. These advanced tools give children easy ways to gather samples for examination. Younger children should always be supervised by an adult when using cutting tools, however.

Popular Choices The Tk2 Scope is both a mixture and stereo microscope. This gently priced model is a good starter model for children. This is cordless and powered by batteries. The viewing area is lit by two Leds. It also boasts an impressive starter kit of tools along with additional slides, scalpel, forceps, tweezers and variety vials. This unit also comes with broad information and an experiment book detailing how to gather new specimens.

The MicroProElite Microscope Set consists of 98 items for microscope exploration. This deluxe mixture kit comes with a wall projector so that children can show off their discoveries to a group. The included camera mount allows your child to take pictures of specimens. The kit contains a variety of prepared slides for immediate investigation. The set also comes perfect with a traveling case. Standard additional tools such as blank slides are in case,granted as well.

My First Lab I-explore Scope is a battery-powered stereo microscope. Children can use this scope to gawk the details of larger objects without using slides. This unit uses a binocular-style scope so that your children won't have to squint. This sturdy unit is great for outdoor trips, allowing children to explore nature at the source. With a large viewing area, this device is great for inspecting flowers, household objects and much more.

Kid's Microscopes

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Monday, October 22, 2012

The Best Microscopes For Kids Are Discovery Science Toys That Make studying Science Fun

Microscopes are produced by many separate manufacturers and can cost hundreds of dollars. When inspecting purchasing a microscope for kids either for use at home or school then there are a amount of trustworthy and durable options. Three of my favourites have one thing in common - they are designed for children to have fun studying about the world around them. Each has separate strengths and aims, and all 3 are aimed at slightly separate age groups. They coming the topic of magnification from separate angles.

First up is a traditional first microscope called My First Lab Duo-Scope Microscope. Its' dual functionality comes from being able to view both little sized specimens on slides as well as macroscopic (solid) objects like bugs, stamps and coins! You just convert either to shine the light from above for solid objects and from below for slides. This setup has all you will need for hours of scientific explore with an ample 50 piece accessory kit. Included accessories are: vinyl dust cover, five plain slides, one concavity slide, four ready slides, cover glass, plastic dropper, two bottles of stain, slide labels, lens paper, forceps, scalpel, plastic test tube, plastic Petri dish, straight teasing needle. An essential, well written and easy to understand schooling by hand includes many helpful hints for the young scientist. The microscope requires 3 Aa batteries, which are not included, so make sure you have some especially if this is to be a gift. Rrp is .99. This perfect first microscope for kids aged 9 years and over includes the following features to heighten the scientific learning:
- 10X eyepiece
- 4X, 10X, 40X objectives
- 40X, 100X, 400X magnification
- real visual glass lenses
- dual focusing knobs
- two Led lights
- six hole disc diaphragms

Led Microscope Light

Secondly, the GeoSafari Talking Microscope from Educational Insights is an ideal first microscope for children aged 5 to 9 years old. This microscope comes with 12 ready interactive slides of inspiring bugs all of which can be stored safely in the middle of uses in their very own warehouse box. With each slide the microscope engages the viewer by talking about each insect and giving many useful facts. The child is then able to check their insight and what they remember with the fun quiz games. Microscope features 5x focusing magnifier and a light for easy viewing. As with the 1st microscope batteries are required but not included in this case three "C" batteries. Rrp is .99.

A must for all households and a little bit of a diversion from your traditional microscope is the EyeClops Bionic Eye which is a handheld bionic microscope meant to be used as a fun toy - not as an educational aid. It allows the user to get up close and personal with virtually any item! All you have to do is plug it in to your television via appropriate audiovisual jacks common to all Tv's. Make sure you have 5 Aa batteries installed and then plainly turn it on. You are then able to magnify any object up to 200 times its general size and the image is projected directly onto your Tv set. Very cool! Just like a real microscope it can take a bit of institution to get used to the magnifying but every person in the family will have fun seeing what many household objects look like magnified, e.g. Skin, hair, a salt crystal or the carpet! An added plus is that the unit is brightly coloured and made of hard plastic so is inspiring to children yet will be sturdy adequate to withstand hours of scientific exploration. With a recommended sell price of only .99 it would make a great gift for the whole family.

Summary of stock Features

* Hand-held expedient that magnifies 200 times general size onto any Tv screen

* perfect fun for the whole family although recommend at least 6 years old

* Built-in Led lights allow illumination of approximately any object

* certainly plugs into A/V jacks on any Tv

* Includes consideration dish and tube for exploring objects and liquids

So, either you prefer to have a talking microscope, a bionic eye or a more traditional first microscope have fun choosing and remember the prices are very inexpensive fluctuating from .99 to .99.

The Best Microscopes For Kids Are Discovery Science Toys That Make studying Science Fun

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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Check Out OMAX 40X-2000X Lab LED Binocular Compound Microscope with Double Layer Mechanical Stage and Coaxial Coarse/Fine Focusing Knob for $198.99

OMAX 40X-2000X Lab LED Binocular Compound Microscope with Double Layer Mechanical Stage and Coaxial Coarse/Fine Focusing Knob Overview

Packing List: Binocular microscope with 4 DIN objectives;Eyepieces: a pair of WF10X and a pair of WF20X;A bottle of Immersion oil;AC adapter (US and Canada standard);Dust cover;Color filter

OMAX 40X-2000X Lab LED Binocular Compound Microscope with Double Layer Mechanical Stage and Coaxial Coarse/Fine Focusing Knob Review

OMAX 40X-2000X Lab LED Binocular Compound Microscope with Double Layer Mechanical Stage and Coaxial Coarse/Fine Focusing Knob Feature

  • Model: M82ES; High quality professional optical glass elements; 45°inclined 360°swiveling binocular head; Easy to mount electronic eyepiece (digital microscope camera)
  • 8 levels of magnification: 40X-80X-100X-200X-400X-800X-1000X-2000X; 4 achromatic objectives DIN 4X, 10X, 40X(S), 100X(S,Oil); 2 pairs of eyepieces: WF10X and WF20X
  • Sliding interpupillary distance adjustment; Ocular diopter adjustable on both eyetubes; Variable intensity illumination; Coaxial coarse and fine focus adjustment; Focusing knobs on both sides
  • Stage upward moving lock protects objectives and slides; Stain-resistant double layer mechanical stage; NA1.25 Abbe Condenser with iris diaphragm & filters; Rack and pinion adjustment condenser
  • Product video available on YouTube; 5 Year Warranty; 14 Days Money Back Guarantee

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 21, 2012 01:15:03

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Friday, October 19, 2012

How Microscope Light Sources Work in the Lab

Without a doubt, the most well known item in the interior of a laboratory is the microscope. Even those that have never set foot in a lab in their lives are customary with what it is and what it does. However, those with a great deal of taste in laboratory sciences will attest that microscopes are not always as easy to control as some assume. In fact, the clarity of what is under notice in the scope sometimes can be lacking. Thankfully, sufficient advancements have been made over the years with laboratory equipment that improvements in image clarity are possible. One such way this can be achieved is straight through the employment of microscope illumination. With the permissible illumination, it can be inherent to avoid scores of coarse errors related with a lack of information and clarity.

In order to forestall problems from occurring, it is indispensable to instill a viable and reliable light source to the microscope. This means the light must be spirited sufficient that the image can be clearly viewed and it also must be thoroughly free of glare. This latter point is sometimes overlooked and that is a problem. Glare can sometimes lead to misidentifying the images in the microscope. That can genuinely originate a serious problem for those seeing for accuracy in their use of these products. Again, this is why it is indispensable to have a permissible illumination theory set up so that such errors are not commonplace.

Led Microscope Light

Many high quality microscopes have been designed with excellent illumination processes that can deliver the reliable ensue that most would be seeing to procure. Well, there would be no need to obtain an external light source if the microscope comes with a ready built-in theory designed to promote illumination. In some cases, this can come in the form of an incandescent bulb that has been effectively installed into it. There are other types of illumination methods that can be effectively employed to deliver permissible results. This consist of Leds, lamps with an arc dismissal system, and even laser devices. All of which can genuinely heighten microscope illumination which adds to their great value. That is genuinely a determined thing since it increases the odds that the reading of what presented on the microscopy product will be accurate. And if the readings on the microscope are not correct then what would be the value of the images? Keep this in mind when weighing options for purchasing items that heighten the illumination.

Some of the costs complex in illuminating the product can sometimes be rather pricey. This may be oft putting to some. However, this should not be something that turns habitancy off as much as it should make them feel determined that they are procuring a gadget that will ensure the permissible carrying out of their microscope. This will add to the permissible harmony of the lab tremendously.

No, illumination is not as tough as some assume. The key is plainly to have the right items in place so that the microscopes can properly be lit. Thankfully, there are items on the store that can deliver in this regard.

How Microscope Light Sources Work in the Lab

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Thursday, October 18, 2012

History of Microscopes

Hans Janssen and Zacharias Janssen are held to be the inventors of the microscope, according to the recorded letters of the Dutch envoy, William Boreel. The invention was nearby the year 1595. Galileo Galilei developed a blend microscope using a convex and a concave lens in the year 1609. The formulation of Christian Huygens in the 17th century, the easy 2-lens ocular theory with achromatic improvement is beloved even today. Anton van Leeuwenhoek popularized the functionality of the instrument among the biologists and the credibility, the "Father of Microscopy" is ordinarily awarded to him. Leeuwenhoek made his sublime singular lens microscope in the year 1673.

During the starting years of invention, the microscope was a toy in the rich houses. The first essential discovery using microscopes was about the circulating blood theory of the human body. It then led to many essential discoveries for mankind. The steps such as the improvement of spherical aberration, use of achromatic lenses etc were appreciated while the 1820's. August Kohler introduced the microscope lamp with filters in 1880. He also finalized the condenser position to provide the best image projection. The theory of the microscope was published by Ernst Abbe in 1873. In the same year, Ernst Leitz introduced the microscope with a revolving mount for 5 objectives. The oil immersion lens was used from the year 1878, and the apochromatic objective was introduced into microscopy by Ernst Abbe in1886.

Led Microscope Light

The first market Uv microscope was presented by Zeiss in 1904. In 1930, Fritz Zernike invented the phase variation microscope, which helps to study transparent living things. The revolutionary Tem electron microscope of Ernst Ruska and Max Knoll was introduced in 1931 and the scanning electron microscope was evolved later in 1937. Yet another milestone in the history of microscopes is the scanning tunneling microscope invented in 1981 by Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer, which help to visualize the atomic level 3D buildings of objects. The scanning laser confocal microscope was commercially ready from 1983.

History of Microscopes

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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Spirits of Light

Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices" (Ii Cor. 2:11).

Scripture has made it perfectly clear that the Devil masquerades as "light" and/or an "angel of light." In Latin, the name "Lucifer" means "light-bearer." Ii Corinthians 11:14 says, "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." Therefore, any experience with spiritual "light" must be wholly examined under the microscope of the One True Light, The Word of God.

Led Microscope Light

"Light," it seems, has all the time been used as a metaphor for heightened, perhaps even spiritual, experiences and/or understandings. Often we hear habitancy speak of being "enlightened." Some believed to possess spiritual empowerment have been called "illuminated."

Traditionally, even artists have depicted both religious and secular leaders, heroes, and great thinkers shining with fantastic light, perhaps even below a halo. Now the question we encounter here is that such inspiration is commonly viewed in a confident manner. It is hard to call evil what we commonly join together with good. Nevertheless, the Bible bids us to "believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God" (I Jn. 4:1). It seems that throughout history many have encountered spirits of "light," but failed to identify their source. In fact, many who claim to have found "light," believe they started with the best of intentions. They believed their hunt for light was hunt for truth. For instance, Freemasons claim to be searching for "light," hence, the symbolic use of the blindfold in many of their rituals. But, Truth cannot be found outside of the Word of God. An attempt to discover "light" or "truth" apart from it absolutely demonstrates a lack of faith in the Truth. The Lord has made it clear that seeking Truth means seeking Him. He alone is the Light! "He reveals the deep and underground things: He knows what is in the darkness, and the Light dwells with Him" (Dan. 2:22). "But without Faith it is impossible to please Him: for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them who diligently seek Him" (Heb. 11:6).

False Light

Many false prophets and cult leaders claim to have received revelation knowledge from "angels of light," and commonly these revelations became the foundation for their risky societies. Muhammad claimed that the Angel Gabriel came to him. He explained that, "a luminous being grasped him by the throat and commanded him to repeat the sacred word."20 an additional one "angel of light" named "Moroni" visited the founder of Mormonism, Joseph Smith, who was already a "romancer and diviner" (familiar with occult communication). Smith said his angel led him to a set of golden plates which he translated from "reformed Egyptian" into English with help of magic stones. The final stock was the Book of Mormon.21 Sun Myung Moon, founder of the Unification Church, claims that Jesus appeared to him in a vision request Moon to complete the work He began. Clearly this "Jesus" was not the Jesus of the Bible. The real Jesus "Finished" His Work! (Jn. 19:30). The Apostle Paul specifically warned us of such false messengers: "But though we, or an Angel from Heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed" (Gal. 1:8). Remember, though, Satan's "light" does not necessarily have to appear in angelic form. Even the simplest sensation of enlightenment could have come from an ungodly source. Not surprisingly, then, "light" is a cornerstone of New Age teaching as well.

New Agers

New Agers, in fact, refer to themselves as "light-workers." Warren Smith, previous New Ager and author of Deceived on Purpose, has described one particular experience he had with New Age "light." In his book, The Light That Was Dark, Smith explained what happened during one particular psychic reading: "It was toward the end of the reading that I first noticed the whirling sensation over my head. I tried to ignore it, but it wouldn't go away. It was a strange but not unpleasant feeling that seemed to flap and vibrate and even tingle above me. I was startled when Bonnie picked up on it. 'Are you aware that there is a ball of light over your head?. . . You are being shown that you have a lot of help on the other side.'"22 A best-selling book of the '90s, "Embraced by the Light" by Betty J. Eadie, describes the good and loving feelings which often accompany mystical experiences with the "light."23 It is also important to note that New Agers think this "light" their source of life as well as their god, hence, their frequent usage of the term, "God-Light" or "Life-Light." New Age Mystic Alice Bailey describes the "light" in this manner, "To this light the mystics testify, and it is this light into which they enter, and which enters into them, revealing the light which is latent and drawing it forth to potency. . . . This is the outstanding fact of scientific mysticism. God is light. . . ."24 On the slopes of Mt. Shasta California, Guy Ballard, leader of the "I Am" cult, encountered a spirit guide known as the ascended master, St.Germain. Ballard says this spirit mentor gave him a "liquid-light" to drink explaining that the liquid was as pure as life itself, arrival directly from the "universal supply."25

Another Jesus

Neale Donald Walsch, New Age author of Conversations with God, describes his encounter with "god" as "some invisible force" which caused his hand to write on its own. This phenomenon is absolutely an occult channeling practice known as "automatic handwriting," where one yields his mind to a demonic voice. Of course, Scripture wholly forbids any such practice, but Walsch unfortunately did not heed the warning, thus believing the voice he heard was God. "He was amazed when 'God' immediately answered his letter by speaking to him through an inner voice. That night, and in subsequent conversations, Walsch wrote down all of the dictated answers to his questions."26 Even more disturbing is that one year after the events of September 11th, 2001, Walsch published an additional one book, The New Revelations, which directly attacked the rescue Power of Jesus. Walsch's "god" put Salvation into the hands of man. "Walsch explained that 'God' was proposing a post-September 11th 'Peace Plan' that would help to bring the world's widely varying religions and belief systems closer together. . . Walsch's 'god' warned: 'Yet let me make something clear. The era of the particular Savior is over. What is needed now is joint action, combined effort, collective co-creation.'"27 Marianne Williamson, an additional one well-recognized New Ager largely promoted by Oprah Winfrey, wrote a book entitled Reflections on Love. Williamson's book was based on A policy In Miracles by Helen Schucman, an join together professor of healing science of mind at Columbia University. Schucman had also experienced "god" through an inner voice, and this voice absolutely claimed to be Jesus! Schucman began, "receiving channeled messages from a speaker who would later identify himself as Jesus Christ. The messages began with the words, 'Please take notes,' this is not optional. So Helen Schucman, an atheist Jewish psychologist, began writing and for the next ten years the voice is said to have dictated 'in an inaudible voice' over 500,000 words contained in the three volumes." And apparently the "Jesus" of "The Course" was not impressed with Christianity; in fact, it was his mission to convert it completely. "The primary presuppose for the policy is the 'Correcting of the errors of Christianity. . . . To raise spiritual development through the study and practice of, A policy In Miracles, a set of three books channeled by Jesus . . . To teach the Course's reinterpretation of primary Christian law such as sin, suffering, forgiveness, Atonement, and the meaning of the Crucifixion. . . ."28 an additional one important New Age teacher, Barbara Marx Hubbard, experienced the "light" in an intense vision she said occurred while she was in a dreamlike state. ". . . She could see the earth and its habitancy were now surrounded by a radiant light. She watched as the whole planet was 'aligned' in 'a magnetic field of love' and lifted up by the fantastic light. Unabridged healings took place as individuals experienced the merging of their own 'inner light' with the spicy light that was surrounding them. A titanic force emanating from the light sent marvelous currents of joyful energy 'rippling' through the body of humanity. The world illustrious as all the Earth was born again." And, unfortunately, Hubbard also came to believe that this "light" was Christ giving her an alternative to the Armageddon scenario found in Biblical prophecy. ". . . In 1979, she had a revelation that the presence in her 1966 vision had been 'Christ' . . . Hubbard's 'Christ' teaches that the violent Armageddon script described in the Bible does not have to happen, that it is only a 'possible' future, emphasizing that a more 'positive' time to come can and will manifest when humanity-without exception-openly declares its 'oneness' with him and all creation."29 This is an outright assault on Christianity; there is no alternative to God's Word. All of it has come to pass and will continue to come to pass. "Think not that I am come to destroy the Law, or the Prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For absolutely I say unto you, Till Heaven and Earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the Law, till all be fulfilled" (Mat. 5:17-18). And furthermore, it is the antichrist who Daniel identifies as having a false plan of peace. ". . . He shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many" (Dan. 8:25).

New Age Light

These occult and wholly anti-Christian dealings with New Age "light" are attacking the contemporary Church from the inside as well. For instance, one particular form of so-called Christian counseling advanced by Dr. Ed Smith is termed "Theophostic" counseling and/or "Theophosic Prayer Ministry." Smith created the word, "Theophostic" from two Greek words - "Theos," meaning "God" and "Phos" meaning "light." Similar to the psychological models of "inner healing," Theophostic Counseling claims to heal one of harmful memories by bringing "light" directly into the memory.30 an additional one "pastor" bringing New Age "light" into the church (and whose writings have been endorsed by Rick Warren) is Leonard Sweet. He has stated, "A surprisingly central feature of all the world's religions is the language of light in communicating the divine and symbolizing the union of the human with the divine: Muhammad's light-filled cave, Moses' burning bush, Paul's blinding light, Fox's 'inner light,' Krishna's Lord of Light, Bohme's light-filled cobbler shop, Plotinus' fire experiences, Bodhisattvas with the flow of Kundalini's fire erupting from their fontanelles, and so on." He also acknowledges New Agers for helping him find the "New Light" which he absolutely believes to have enhanced his Christianity: "I have followed those 'New Light leaders' . . . [S]ome of those who led [me] into new light are: . . . Matthew Fox, Richard Mouw, Rowan Williams. . . . "31 In The Destiny of the Nations, Alice Bailey even defined the New Age view of Christmas: ". . . Spiritually the Christmas season is about the light, the promise of the Divine, and the birth of the Christ Consciousness in the human heart inaugurating an era of right human relations. This energy remains ever with us, 'The Christ in you, the hope of glory' . . . during the 2000 years since Pisces has seen the spreading of the light. Aquarius will see the rising of the light with Christ as the eternal fastener of both these great impulses. Humanity will move from the birth stages of the light within to the lifting of the life light in sacrifice, as we come to be the Risen Ones. . . ."32

A False Bible

The New Age Mess "Bible" has also taken every opportunity to distort any Biblical reference to light, rewording it to fit New Age doctrines. We will not attempt to print all the Scriptures from "The Mess" Bible pertaining to this, but here are a consolidate of examples.

Psalms 8:5
King James Version:
For Thou hast made him a limited lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour. Message Version:
Yet we've so narrowly missed being gods, spicy with Eden's dawn light.
Psalms 27:1
King James Version:
The Lord is my Light and my Salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the vigor of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Message Version:
Light, space, zest - that's God. So, with him on my side I'm fearless, afraid of no one and nothing.

It is important to note, as well, that many pagan religions worship a "sun-god" and believe his "rays of light" to be the life-giving source for the Earth and its inhabitants. The antique Babylonian sun-god cult has absolutely infiltrated nearly all false religions to this day. Islam has an spicy twist to this story. "Allah," the god of Islam, is said to be the moon-god who was married to the sun-goddess. The fastener of the crescent moon is important in Muslim culture.

Acts 2:28
King James Version:
Thou hast made known to me the ways of life; Thou shalt make me full of joy with Thy countenance. Message Version:
You've got my feet on the life-path, with your face shining sun-joy all around.
Acts 26:23
King James Version:
That Christ should suffer, and that He should be the first that should rise from the dead, and should shew light unto the people, and to the Gentiles. Message Version:
One, the Messiah must die; two, raised from the dead, he would be the first rays of God's daylight shining on habitancy far and near, habitancy both godless and God-fearing.

In the next few examples we see the use of the term "golden circle." Circles have all the time been an integral part of paganism and witchcraft and thus, the New Age as well. The circle has been used as a fastener of the universe, to impose the appearance of demons, and to symbolize phallic sun-god worship in freemasonry. Also, rather than manufacture Christ the "Head" as the Bible teaches, the New Age tends to refer to Him as the "center" of something, like a circle. 33

Revelation 2:1
King James Version:
Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith He that holdeth the seven stars in His right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks. Message Version:
Write this to Ephesus, to the Angel of the church. The One with Seven Stars in his right-fist grip, striding through the golden seven-lights' circle, speaks.
Revelation 2:5
King James Version:
Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will take off thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent. Message Version:
Do you have any idea how far you've fallen? A Lucifer fall! Turn back! Recover your dear early love. No time to waste, for I'm well on my way to removing your light from the golden circle.

To see full list of references used please refer to narrative here

Spirits of Light

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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Great Price AmScope T490B for $279.75

AmScope 40x-2000x Lab Trinocular Biological Compound Microscope Review

AmScope 40x-2000x Lab Trinocular Biological Compound Microscope Feature

  • Eight Magnification Settings 40X-80X-100X-200X-400X-800X-1000X-2000X
  • Three Unique Features: 1) Simultaneously Viewing Clear Images Through Trinocular Port and Eyepieces; 2) 23mm Photo Port and C-mount Port; 3) Adjustable Simul-Focal Trinocular Port
  • Professional Graduated X-Y Mechanical Stage with Coaxial Coarse & Fine Focus
  • Variable Intensity Halogen Lighting, Rack and Pinion Adjustment Abbe Condenser with Iris Diaphragm
  • 5-Year Warranty against Manuafcturing Defects

AmScope 40x-2000x Lab Trinocular Biological Compound Microscope Overview

The T490B features a unique "simul-focal" optical system with an adjustable trinocular port to enable well-focused clear images on your PC or video screen while simultaneously obtaining sharp, focused images through the eyepieces. Most trinocular microscopes allow you to view either through the trinocular port or the eyepieces only, forcing you to switch between the two. Since these trinocular ports are not "simul-focal" with the rest of the microscope optical system, you have to re-focus the microscope after each switch. The T490B, however, erases this step by providing "simul-focal" viewing. Especially handy for teaching demonstrations, clinical examinations and laboratory applications, the "simul-focal" feature allows your students or colleagues to view clear images simultaneously while you work through the eyepieces. In addition, the T490B's industry standard 23mm photo port can be converted into a C-Mount port by attaching the included C-mount adapter, allowing you to attach most microscope digital cameras and video systems on the market.The T490B includes a 30-degree inclined 360-degree swiveling, compensation-free trinocular head, a 3-D mechanical stage, and an intensity-variable halogen illumination system. This versatile microscope is also capable of being upgraded with various accessories and attachments listed in the optional section for additional functions. It is a perfect laboratory instrument for clinics, Vets, Doctors, and professional students. Made by the same OEM supplier that provides optical instruments for Leica, Zeiss, Nikon and Olympus, it arrives brand new in a factory sealed box and retails for more than ,700.

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 16, 2012 02:30:03

Tags : Material Handing Products Picking Safety Products Measurement Guide best usb microscope games for cell phones

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Check Out AmScope Compound Binocular Microscope 40x-2000x + 1.3 MP Camera for $299.98

AmScope Compound Binocular Microscope 40x-2000x + 1.3 MP Camera Review

AmScope Compound Binocular Microscope 40x-2000x + 1.3 MP Camera Feature

  • Professional eight magnification settings from 40X to 2000X
  • High quality optical lenses and Abbe condenser with iris diaphragm
  • Sturdy metal framework and double layer mechanical stage
  • 1.3MP High resolution USB2.0 camera with 0.5x reduction lens
  • Advanced editing & measuring software compatible with Windows XP/Vista/7 and Mac OS 10.6 & up

AmScope Compound Binocular Microscope 40x-2000x + 1.3 MP Camera Overview

This is a professional binocular microscope with 1.3MP high quality digital camera. It is designed for teaching demonstration, clinical examination and research purpose. It comes with a 30° inclined 360° swiveling compensation free binocular head, 3D mechanical stage and an intensity-variable halogen illumination system. This microscope offers eight levels of magnification, 40X, 80X, 100X, 200X, 400X, 800X, 1000X & 2000X. The digital camera captures 1.3MP microscope images and streams real-time live video on your computer screens. It comes with a built-in reduction lens, user-friendly software, and adapters, compatible with Windows XP/Vista/7 and Mac OS 10.6 & up. With life-time free upgrading, the multi-functional user-friendly software allows you to preview live images, record videos, capture still pictures, edit captures, or save them in BMP, TIFF, JPG, PICT, PTL and other formats very easily, as well as conduct length, angle, area, and other measurements. This microscope is versatile, ready for various accessories and attachments for extra features. It is made by the same technicians and on the same production line that makes optical instruments for Leica, Zeiss, Nikon and Olympus. It is brand new in factory sealed box. Its retail value is 00.

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 14, 2012 22:15:03

See Also : The Pneumatic Finishing Products Measurement Guide simple light microscope

Friday, October 12, 2012

A Brief History of the Microscope

From the beginning, man has suspected that there were worlds underground from his naked eye. If he could look very closely at a drop of pond water, he could barely perceive things captivating of their own accord. This captivating discovery led to the need to "see" closer.

Since ancient times there has been glass and the forming of glass objects. During the time of Pliny the Elder, around the First Century A.D., there were globes of glass or crystal that were shaped just right, enabling the "seer" to visualize things held under it at a magnified state. It was also captivating to ancient scientists that light from the sun was focused to a point, causing parchment to burn.

Led Microscope Light

All of this advanced into serious reasoning by early scientists. If they could operate the shape of the crystal or glass, they could operate the estimate of magnification. Thus the first microscopes were born. The history of the microscope follows a spectacular, timeline in just a short period, as we will witness in this article.

Understanding the physics of light came about in the third century B.C., when Euclid wrote the Optica. In this writing he describes the rules of reflected light, and is thought about one of the Father of Optics, yet so many pioneers came after him, utilizing his ideas and mathematics to excellent the methods of magnification.

In the early 1300's, Bernard of Gordon, a French Physicist, made the use of lenses, so named for their shape like lentel seeds, to definite optical aberrations in the human eye. This invention lead to the interest in production the human eye even better, such as seeing at the stars or peeking into the tiny world.

Galileo tinkered with lenses to generate the first telescope. The lenses were primitively ground glass, yet they revealed all of Jupiter's moons. Similarly, van Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch dry goods clerk, made spherical glass lenses and mounted them in a small owner with a straightforward screw system, thus enabling focus control. With this early microscope he observed bacteria, yeasts, protozoa, and even human blood corpuscles.

After this discovery, straightforward "flea glasses", or tubes with a very crude lens mounted in it, were used to look at objects that were descriptive to the naked eye, yet captivating magnified. This lead to more serious builders, which in 1590, constructed the first light microscope for viewing of tiny structures.

Galileo once again had an idea how to excellent this system, and advanced the first focusing microscope. After Anton van Leeuwenhoek's contribution to microscopy, Robert Hook increased the efficiency of his light microscope design.

In Europe, the manufacture was streamlined, yet nothing advanced to any spectacular degree. In the middle of the 19th Century, Charles A. Spencer made the most elegant and useful instruments which all contemporary microscope are modeled today.

Today's high-powered microscopes used in the medical, biological, metallurgical, and geological fields are the outcome of the vigilance of early microscopy pioneers. Without those first glimpses through those primitive curved glasses we would not have the capability to diagnose disease, excellent fabrication, or see the tiny universe in a drop of water.

A Brief History of the Microscope

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Thursday, October 11, 2012

The composition Microscope Alternative - The Video Microscope

Microscopes, without any doubt, are powerful inventions without which the current state of life on Earth would be very distinct indeed. Microscopes have led to the discovery of countless medically and chemically-based improvements in the human condition. Yet for all that, the original microscope has its flaws.

The generally used composition microscope allows only a very exiguous view of a specimen at any given time; any distraction can cause the viewer to miss something of importance. The composition microscope is also lacking in any means of recording the images which it reveals, so their interpretation is exiguous to the voice recordings of those viewing them.

Led Microscope Light

But the greatest flaw in the original composition microscope it that it only allows you to see what is directly below its lens and since lenses are small to begin with, you miss out on the majority of what may be happening on slide, and can only see it piecemeal as you keep enthralling the stage around so that the lens covers distinct parts of the specimen.

The Solution

Enter the video microscope, developed to address all the shortcomings of its original composition counterpart. A video microscope is designed to link to your personal computer straight through a wireless application or Usb cable, and to scheme anyone image is graphic below its lens onto your monitor or television screen. But there's more.

A video microscope allows you to turn the images projected onto your Pc into digital files which you can save to your hard drive. You'll have them ready as videos to view whenever you wish, and to gawk as closely as you need to. You'll even be able to magnify them up to one hundred times more than your video microscope did, and see things you could never have otherwise seen.

Not only that; you'll be able to pass your saved images along as email files. You can even get software which will let you make notes directly on your saved images, and send you're your annotated files to colleagues for their input.

Uses For The Video Microscope

The curative and engineering industries have come to depend on the video microscope and its capacity for preserving images for extended study. Philatelists and numismatists who are notorious for their attachments to their magnifying glasses have now adopted the video microscope to record and authenticate images of rare stamps and coins before they buy them. The video microscope has quite naturally revolutionized the ways in which explore can be used!

The composition Microscope Alternative - The Video Microscope

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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Check Out AmScope 10x-20x-30x-60x Student Binocular Stereo Microscope with Incident (Top) and Transmitted (Bottom) Lights for $138.75

AmScope 10x-20x-30x-60x Student Binocular Stereo Microscope with Incident (Top) and Transmitted (Bottom) Lights Overview

This binocular stereo microscope comes with four magnification power settings (10X, 20X, 30X & 60X) and a versatile illumination system that provides both incident (top) lighting and transmitted (bottom) lighting. You can choose between incident illumination shining down onto the object or transmitted illumination through the frosted stage plate. The first is used for the observation of three-dimensional objects and the second for the observation of slides. This microscope offers high resolution and good depth within a broad field of view. It gives sharp clear stereo images. Its 45° inclined binocular head ensures an easy observation and rubber eyeguards provide further comfort. This microscope is useful for many applications. It can be used in geology, forestry, archaeology, agriculture and biology. It is appropriate for educational purposes in hospitals and schools. It is great for the exploration of the world of surface details and fine structures of various materials like wood, metal, solder, semiconductor and stone. It is perfect for the examination of insects, plants, rocks, stamps, coins, jewel, soldered points, microelectronic components or virtually any three dimensional objects. This scope is an ideal tool for watchmaker, jeweler, engraver, dies-maker, philatelist, coin collector, students, and etc. It comes with first-class quality and affordable price. It is brand new in factory-sealed box. Its retail value is 0.

AmScope 10x-20x-30x-60x Student Binocular Stereo Microscope with Incident (Top) and Transmitted (Bottom) Lights Review

AmScope 10x-20x-30x-60x Student Binocular Stereo Microscope with Incident (Top) and Transmitted (Bottom) Lights Feature

  • Four Magnification Power Settings, 10X, 20X, 30X & 60X, Offering Sharp Stereo Erect Images
  • Built-in Incident (top) and Transmitted (bottom) Illumination System
  • Great for Exploration of the World of Surface Details and Fine Structures
  • Perfect for Examination of Insects, Plants, Rocks, Stamps, Coins, Jewel, Soldered Points, Microelectronic Components or Virtually any Three Dimensional Objects.
  • 5-Year Warranty against Manufacturing Defects

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 10, 2012 08:00:07

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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

History And Uses Of optical Microscopes

Optical microscopes use descriptive light and a ideas of lenses to magnify small samples that are regularly un-seen to the bare eye. The optical microscope is the first, oldest and simples type of microscope (as opposed to the much more developed electronic microscope). The first optical microscopes were created in the 18th century. Due to it's covenant sizes, simplicity and relatively low price, the optical microscope is very popular, and can be found in use in many areas of biology. optical microscopes mostly magnify objects for up to 1500 times.

The first optical microscopes were structured in a way that is called "the easy microscope". This structure utilizes only one pair of lenses to generate a magnified image of the sample. Today, the easy structure is in use only in the magnifying glass, hand lens and the loupe.


The more advances optical microscopes, and the ones that are popular today, are what's called "compound optical microscopes". These microscopes use a ideas of many lenses, in order to "compound" and multiply the magnification, and therefore maximize it. The two main lens systems in an optical microscope are the objective lens (near the examined object), and the eyepiece lens (up near the eye of the scientist). Contemporary optical microscopes use complicated lenses both in the objective part as well as the eyepiece part.
The old optical microscopes also used a mirror to contribute illumination below the object. The Contemporary optical microscopes use a strong lamp to contribute constant and strong illumination.

So what are optical microscopes used for now a days?
The main uses of combination optical microscopes include:

The examining small pieces of material, or even a smear or a squash preparation. This is due to the fact that the optical microscope uses light to pass under the object and enter the lenses. That's why the item is better be half-transparent. In other uses the optical microscope may be used to contemplate metal samples, in order to study the metal's structure.
At low power, microscopes can be used to contemplate small living animals and plants. At high power, they can be used to contemplate bacteria.

It is prominent to note that the vast advancement in restorative fields and biology in general, is owed to a large extent, to the invention of the optical microscopes. For example, the way the blood flows in our body was not fully understood until the microscope made in possible to contemplate small blood vessels behavior.

History And Uses Of optical Microscopes

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Sunday, October 7, 2012

What Are the Types of Microscopes?

An electron microscope can offer a man many distinct types of advantages over other microscopes. If man has never used one of the many types of electron microscopes, then they are seriously missing out.

This type of microscope offers more clarity and a good magnification than most any other type of microscope on the market. In order to pick the best type of the many electron microscopes, a man must understand the various types that are ready for them to enjoy.


Three types of them exist. They are the transmission electron microscope, the scanning electron microscope, and the scanning-tunneling electron microscope. The customary of all of these types of devices is the transmission electron.

The Tem, as it is commonly called, transmits electrons through a small slice of a specimen in order for the image to be seen. These types of devices are great for looking inside the cells of beings on the planet. Much has been learned by using these microscopes for looking all types of various cells.

Other types of the electron expedient are the scanning tunneling microscope and the scanning one. Both types of devices allow for a more in depth look than most other type of microscopes. The scanning microscope can actually allow scientists to view items in 3-D because of the excited atoms that are on a specimen.

The tunneling microscope actually creates a tunneling current between the electrons on a specimen and the microscopes tip to make the image. These are both very high tech microscopes that can be used to see farther into a specimen than previously notion possible.

An electron one can give a much more in depth view. Population once only had an idea of what cells and other imperceptible items looked like. Thanks to the invention of the electron microscopes and the various types that are available, a man can see these items in a three dimensional view that can make studying these items better. Microscopes are the wave of the hereafter in today's current high tech world.

What Are the Types of Microscopes?

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Saturday, October 6, 2012

Light Microscopes And Their Parts

The term "light microscope" is a normal term that needs a bit of clarification. Just about all microscopes use a light source to illuminate the sample or specimen. This is why they are called light microscopes.

There are several types of light microscopes including straightforward (single lens) optical microscopes, aggregate (several lenses) microscopes, stereomicroscopes and digital microscopes. Light microscopes have varying levels of magnification available. With the irregularity of the stereomicroscope, these ordinarily have a magnification range somewhere between 20X and 1500X. The stereomicroscopes have a lower magnification range of between 20X and 200X due to the fact that they are used primarily to study the surfaces of larger specimens.


In a nutshell, here is a list of the parts of a light microscope.

1. The base is just that: a base that the microscope stands on and allows it to be free standing.

2. The stage is where the sample or specimen slide is placed. There are two metal clips that hold the slide in place.

3. On the stage is a small chance in the town called an aperture. The sample is situated over the gap ,break for viewing and is held by the clip son the stage.

4. Below the stage is the light source. This is plainly a small light bulb that shines upwards straight through the aperture, thus illuminating the sample. Some microscopes have a diaphragm in the stage that controls how much light is passed straight through the aperture. Note: Stereomicroscopes use two light sources to produce a 3D image to the viewer. The light source can be situated above the stage as in the case of digital microscopes. These microscopes are called inverted microscopes.

5. Directly above the stage is the nosepiece that contains the lenses used to magnify the sample. The nosepiece holds the lenses. The nosepiece rotates so the viewer can elect the one they want to use.

6. The lenses, also called objectives, are held by the nosepiece and have different magnification powers, ordinarily from 2X to 15X or 20X.

7. The arm seems to associate the base to the upper parts of the microscope. It is used to carry the microscope.

8. The common adjustment knob is settled on the side of the microscope. It is used to focus the sample. This knob can move whether the stage or the upper parts of the scope.

9. The fine adjustment knob is also settled on the side of the scope. This is used to fine-tune the focus after the common adjustment has brought the sample into view.

10. The body or tube holds the eyepiece(s) and connects it to the nosepiece lenses.

11. The eyepiece is what you look into. The eyepiece has a magnifying power of approximately 10X.

So now you know all the parts of the microscope, you can intelligently tell your friends all about it. Knowing what the microscope's parts are helps the user to be more comfortable their first time out. It also helps if you need to order change parts later on.

Light Microscopes And Their Parts

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Friday, October 5, 2012

AmScope 60 LED Microscope Ring Light with Mounting Adapter

AmScope 60 LED Microscope Ring Light with Mounting Adapter Review

AmScope 60 LED Microscope Ring Light with Mounting Adapter Feature

  • Ring light with 60-LED bulbs provides strong shadow free illumination
  • Comes with a control box for light intensity adjustment
  • 1.77" (45mm) inside diameter and 3.35" (85mm) outside diameter
  • Mounting size: up to 2.4" (61mm) in diameter
  • Power supplies: wide band voltage from 100V to 240V

AmScope 60 LED Microscope Ring Light with Mounting Adapter Overview

This is a 60-LED adjustable ring light with 2-7/16" (62mm) inner diameter, a 120-220V power adapter and a 1-7/8" (48mm in diameter) ring adapter. With variable intensity control, it provides cool, even, intense and focused shadow-free illumination. It is an ideal durable cool light source for microscopes. This kit comes with one year warranty against manufacturing defects. It is brand new in original box. Its retail value is 0.
*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 05, 2012 04:15:03

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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

AmScope 60-LED Microscope Ring Light Illuminator with Control Box and Adapter

AmScope 60-LED Microscope Ring Light Illuminator with Control Box and Adapter Review

AmScope 60-LED Microscope Ring Light Illuminator with Control Box and Adapter Feature

  • Microscope LED ring light with 60 bright white bulbs
  • Intense and focused shadow-free illumination
  • Variable intensity control 100,000 hours of life
  • Inside diameter of ring light: 2-1/2" (64mm)

AmScope 60-LED Microscope Ring Light Illuminator with Control Box and Adapter Overview

This intensity-adjustable 60-LED ring light comes with control box. Its mounting size is up to 2.4" (61mm) in diameter. The ring light has 1.77" (45mm) inside and 3.35" (85mm) outside diameters, respectively. It works with wide band voltage power supplies from 100V to 240V. It comes with a 1-7/8" (48mm in diameter) ring adapter. This ring light provides cool, even, intense and focused shadow-free illumination. It is an ideal durable cool light source for microscopes. This kit comes with one year warranty against manufacturing defects. It is brand new in original box. Its retail value is 0.
*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Oct 03, 2012 11:00:03

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